
Monday, September 9, 2019

Marketing Plan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Marketing Plan - Term Paper Example This market target is viable because the foods are purchased for consumption in offices, schools and sometimes at homes. This represents a real market audience. The NRO plays a fundamental role in meeting the demands of this market niche and expanding its market base of existing and new products. The NRO through its strong distribution channels intends to expand its market by advertising the Company’s products. The NRO’s employees in marketing and advertising section should embrace online marketing and ads to increase its customer base (Wood, 2003).2.2 Marketing strategy Online marketing should be facilitated by online marketing and advertising channels. Tools such as Google, twitter and other online platforms need to be used in a bid to expand awareness and accessibility of the General Mills products. The ads should include the types of products, prices and locations of retail outlets. Sustaining of the current international sales of $3 billion, the superiority of the company’s brands should be strategically put into both the new and existing market niches (Luther, 2001). Equally, the NRO should break down the current barriers to expansive market. For instance, the issue of retail placement fragmentation, for the case of single-serving pre-prepared meal group should be rectified, defined and facilitated. The placement channel is fundamental in sustaining the product market through flow of product information to the market audience in a consistent manner with the current GIS distribution channels (Luther, 2001).

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