
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Joy luck club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Joy luck club - Essay Example The inception of the prologue in the film and the presentation of the film along with its large scaled and detailed camerawork have made the film appear like a river dancing to the tune of wind or fall of words from poetic imagination. This essay intends to focus on the thematic aspect of the film, along with its myriad technical dimensions which provided it a strong and unique perception altogether. THE JOY LUCK CLUB: THE TRAJECTORY Life has different twists and turns, crest and fall and people amid all the complexities and hustle and bustle of life forget to retaliate upon the lost moments of profanity. The film Joy Luck Club captures and upholds different subtle and intimate moments between families and life where subtle and intricate human relations and values operating upon the matrix of myriad social and economic aspects find its profound expression. The film depicts a development of a club formed by four women; it can be seen as a strong discourse of women empowerment depicted within the societal change and structure of contemporary America. The club had a different objective, the members of the club indulged themselves in playing, ‘mahjong’ and over the span of years they have involved themselves in telling and sharing the stories of their lives with each other. Their life trajectory speaks particularly about a societal transition in America. And, various dimensions of Chinese immigrants to America surface out with full force into the plot of the film. The women discuss their passage to America from China, their pursuit and dream, their desire and disappointment. The way they remarried in America for a better life and gave birth to their children on this land itself are very much contextual. Another theme of the film is the space or vacuum that evolves due to generation gap and a space which forms due to the transition of culture and inter-cultural exchanges against the cosmopolitan backdrop. One can find highly ambitious mothers setting hi gh hopes and keeping high faiths upon their daughters who are about to replace them. The daughters face a lot of troubles treading down the paths of success full of anxieties and a stark feeling of inappropriateness that haunts them. Moreover, through the course of understanding and empathizing with each other, the mothers and daughters at the Joy Luck Club are able to bridge their differences (Johnston, â€Å"FILM / The tears of living dangerously: Wayne Wang called Oliver Stone's films evil; Stone called Wang's boring. The novelist Amy Tan brought them together. By Sheila Johnston†). The film is initiated with a short prologue by June; a narrative which is very poetic in appeal and followed by June’s farewell party at San Francisco and her plunge to reunite with her long forgotten twin sisters at China indicate a sense of unification with one’s forgotten root that build the essence of the theme operating within the film. There are also guests at Joy Luck Club, mainly constituted by the mothers, their daughters and the friends and relatives. Each of the members narrate their story of conflict, dream and struggle in the alien land of the United States of America which builds a strong discourse upon the nature of immigration and life of the immigrants in America. The most fascinating technical aspect of the film ‘The Joy Luck Club’ is its cinematography and tight-lipped editing apart from

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