
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Leadership Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leadership Paper - Essay Example These leaders draw their authority from various attributes including charisma, formal power or even behavioral or reverence power. The leader influences occupational behaviors of individuals and groups through systematic structures, which facilitates communication within an organization. Miller (2011) adds that leadership, especially business leadership, requires some inherent social and professional skills in order to facilitate execution of responsibilities. In this case, different business leaders possess different leadership skills, which directly influence the success level of their practices. Leaders with comprehensive and positive leadership skills have high chances of achieving greater goals compared to those with the minimum requisite skills. Acquisition of requisite leadership skills depends on factors like social and economic background of an individual. In this regard, we will illustrate the application of leadership skills by examining one successful business leader with in the Islamic business context. In the essay, we feature an influential business leader from Saudi Arabia called Al-Waleed bin Talal. Al-Waleed, who belongs to the Saudi Royal family, is a business leader and an investor. He was born in Jeddah on March 7, 1955. He derives his roots from Arabs most celebrated personalities, King Abdul-Aziz Alsaud, who was the founder and leader of Saudi Arabia. In addition, he is the grandson of Raid El Solh, the iconic figure behind Lebanon’s drive for independence. His father, who is a member of the royal family is Talai bin Abdilaziz Al Saud and his mother Princes Mona El-Solh. His father remains influential in Saudi’s governance up to date, especially on matters relating to the rule of law and national constitution the society. Al-Waleed resides in the Saudi Arabia’s city of Riyadh with his wife Princess Deborah and his two children. Being a member of the Royal family, Al-Waleed manages vast personal and family wealth

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